Saturday, November 24, 2007

Cheating Signs: Is Your Guy Faithful?

It is quite normal for a human being to be attracted to another person of the opposite sex, other than one's significant other. What is beyond normal is if one will entertain this attraction. The ratio of men to women is one is to ten. This simply means that there is a thousandth percent chance that the man will dump the girl. Unfair, indeed!

No wonder why there are many cases of infidelity that eventually lead to divorce. Surveys show that there are 12,326,369 women who have filed for a divorce. That is 3,294,269 less than the number of men who have filed for a divorce.

What do these figures mean? It could lead from one reason to another, but one reason could be the infidelity of most men.

Hence, if ever you are suspicious about your husband cheating you, ponder on many things. But this does not necessarily mean that you are sharp on trapping him doing the act because you cannot simply confirm your suspicions based on your husband's actions or deeds. But you can keep a close watch on these signs:

1. More vain

Men are known to be relatively vain about themselves too. But if he becomes too vain than usual, that is definitely something to keep the wife's eyes open.

It would be better for a woman to keep her senses working properly if he starts to work out, fashion conscious, and takes time to smell really good.

Psychological studies confirmed that people would usually respond to the way their body reacts on something that they like. Hence, if a person is having some special interest on another, the normal thing to do is to make a good impression so as to attract the other person.

2. Playing hide and seek

A woman can tell that her man is cheating if his work routines were revolutionized. He has more over time work than the usual and more frequent, and yet he remains nowhere to be found whenever you call his office and check on his whereabouts.

3. Traveling maniac

He suddenly likes to travel more than the usual. Usually, he would tell you he has some corporate seminars and it so happens that the schedule is always on weekends.

4. Great big spender

He is splurging more on money; but is secretive on where the money goes. He would instantly keep his financial records locked up in a safe place, and when you start rummaging into his things, he gets offended.

Some personality traits studies reported that people who are guilty of doing something become more defensive than they are before.

5. Internet addict

When a married man logs to an Internet dating site, no one asks permission slip from his wife. This can be pretty dangerous because there are sites that even offer cheaters advice on everything from how to deal with guilt to how to avoid being caught.

Hence, a married man who uses the Internet repeatedly and is enigmatic when he logs on is a good sign of cheating.

According to one study, 30% of married chat-room participants later met up in person with their chat partner. It is a slippery slope and many real-life affairs grow out of this.

6. Schedule master

He is more concerned about your timetable. He would ask you over and over again about your whereabouts than before.

7. Too edgy especially on the phone

Every time the phone is ringing, he flies his way to get the phone. He habitually talks in a lower voice than the usual or locks himself up in a room to continue talking with the other person on the line.

8. Inefficient performer in bed

He has more lame excuses of not wanting to have sex. His performance in bed diminishes, or worse, had gone.

9. Too hot to handle

If you ask him about his whereabouts, he gets cynical. He will even accuse you of nagging and being too nosy.

10. Clean or dirty?

He suddenly wants to change into fresh clean clothes and takes a shower as soon as he arrives home. He makes it a point to change into something and smell differently on an instant.

Given all that, you can now have a clear picture of what your husband has been doing all this time. However, the choice you have to make whether you have to do something about it now or you have to get more clues will all depend on you.

Just keep in mind that choosing whether you have to stay and hold on to the chance that things might change and get better will only prolong the agony. If you really want to straight things out, talk to him. Just make it sure that the conversation will be subtle and calm. You will never get any farther if you will start blurting out your pains and sufferings.

The key here is to deliberate meticulously on what to do next after all of the cheating signs have been clear and apparent.

As one woman has stated after she found out that her husband has cheated on her and still continues to defend himself, "I may be old, but I am not dead. God knows what is right and what is wrong, and in the final analysis, he will reward the just, and punish those who deserve to be punished."

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